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School Clubs 2023-2024

As part of the legacy of the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, schools in Britain have received substantial funding. At Green Haworth, we will be using this funding for the following purposes:

  • To give our children free access to a wide range of sports and healthy activities through P.E and after-school clubs.
  • To provide county-wide competition in a range of sports.
  • To ensure that children of all ages experience competition against other schools in the borough.
  • To utilise facilities that we would not normally be able to access.
  • To train staff to a high level of coaching so there is sustainability beyond having access to Legacy funding.


After-school clubs for the first half of the summer term are as follows. All clubs run from 3.20-4.20pm. Sessions will begin on Monday 22 April and run for four weeks until Thursday 16 May. Please be aware that some clubs will be cancelled due to unforeseen events. However, we will contact parents in advance of this. Occasionally, clubs will be cancelled on the day due to the weather or staff absence. We will ensure we contact parents by 2.00pm via the text messaging service. Please ensure we always have an up-to-date phone number. The cost of all this terms clubs have been heavily subsidised by Sports Premium Funding.

All clubs cost £1.00 per child per session. You can apply for any club by returning the reply slip with the cost of the club. Each club will cost £4.00 for this half-term. Therefore, 4 weeks for three weekly sessions would cost £12.00 per child.

Please post reply slips in the post box in Reception area. Mrs. Little will then confirm that places have been provided by the usual texting system.

*Children may wear their P.E. trainers or pumps and their P.E. kit which should be in school when attending clubs that involve physical activity. Children must wear suitable footwear. Children will not be allowed to participate if they have inappropriate shoes.

All children should be collected from the main hall door at 4.20pm promptly by a responsible person.






Summer games

Class 1

Accrington Stanley




Year 3, 4, 5

Accrington Stanley


SAT’s Club


Year 6

Mrs. Kaminski/Mr. Turner


Get Active!

Class 1

Mr. Pope




Class 2 & 3

Accrington Stanley



Get Creative!

Class 1

Mrs. Clark/Mr. Dykes




Class 2 & 3

Accrington Stanley

