Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge.
We know that we have the professional knowledge and expertise in the education system to ensure that children and young people recover and get back on track.
Green Haworth has been allocated £6,240 for the 2020-2021academic year to support all children in school. This equates to £87.88 per pupil.
The following targeted support and actions will be implemented in the 2020-2021 academic year:
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School | Green Haworth C of E Primary School | ||||
Academic Year | 2020-2021 | Total Catch-up Funding budget | £6,240 | Date of most recent PP Review | September 2020 |
Total number of pupils | 71 | Amount of catch-up premium received per pupil: | £87.88 | Date for next internal review of this strategy | June 2021 |
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In-school barriers | |
Catch-up support – closing the gap | |
Physical, Social and emotional needs | |
C. | Ensure that children are supported with the transition back to school |
External barriers | |
D. | Home learning engagement – support remote learning |
E. | Attendance Monitoring and COVID support for attendance purposes |
F. | Supporting parents and carers |
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Academic year | 2020-2021 | ||||
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies. | |||||
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Identified priority | We will be measuring the impact of the expenditure upon pupils’ achievement in the following ways | How catch up funding will be spent (including estimated costings) | Impact. RAG rate each incentive and provide evidence source | Staff lead | When will you review implementation? |
Catch up support in lessons and interventions – closing the gap in reading, writing & maths
Programmes of tailored interventions to facilitate rapid catch up has had proven impact on children’s progress historically. Additional support in class to focus on closing the gap.
| Teacher assessment – regular formative and summative assessments
½ termly pupil progress meetings Staff meeting time allocated to reading/writing/maths moderation.
SLT monitoring including book looks, pupil interviews, lesson observations, environment walkthroughs. | Additional staff costs to offer after-school provision in phonics, reading, writing and maths clubs - £2,500
Additional teaching and learning resources to support assessment - £300
Additional in-school intervention programmes utilising the National Tutoring Programme, Targeted Provision offers 1:1, child-centred tuition to your pupils at a 75% subsidised rate of £12.50 +VAT per hour. - £1,000
Full synthetic phonics programme linking to current remote learning software (EdShed) - £950
. | SLT | June 2021 |
Physical, Social and emotional needs
The impact of the pandemic can be in seen in children’s lower levels of resilience, concentration and physical fitness. An increased focus on these vital areas of pupil well-being is required to ensure our children are in the right place physically and mentally to learn. | Pupil attitude questionnaire in Summer 2021 will evidence children’s attitudes to learning and school life.
Monitoring engagement in after-school clubs.
Monitoring behaviour incidences through CPOMS
Staff confidence in delivering mindful activities
Staff identifying pupils who require a greater depth of nurture support | After-school clubs that support physical development. Utilise Ribble Valley Sports & Accrington Stanley for a variety of free activities and sports. £2,000 The cost of this will be supported by Surplus Sports Premium Funding
Supporting children in social and emotional skills through Nurture Support – no additional cost
Additional Staff training in Mental Health awareness& well-being- £425
Summer Well-being event and project- £1775. The cost of this will be supported by Surplus Sports Premium Funding |
| P. Turner | July 2021 |
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Identified priority | We will be measuring the impact of the expenditure upon pupils’ achievement in the following ways | How catch up funding will be spent (including estimated costings) | Impact. RAG rate each incentive and provide evidence source | Staff lead | When will you review implementation? |
Addressing pupil, families and staff wellbeing issues arising from pandemic
By promoting a meaningful relationship between home and school, parents as partners will be encouraged.
Parent questionnaires will indicate that parents will feel involved and more confident in being able to support their child’s education. | Attendance and punctuality data
Evaluation of parent, pupil and staff questionnaires
Pupil Support Worker/SENDco will remain in close contact with vulnerable parents and offer any advice or signposting as required.
| Additional training for Pupil Support Worker & Headteacher relating to issues that may arise (e.g. bereavement, Dealing with Trauma) - No cost
Staff training regarding Mental Health Awareness & well-being - £425. Covered by surplus fund in Sports Premium.
| P. Turner | July 2020 |
Ensure that children are supported with the transition back to school
All pupils will need support to transition back to school. However, there are particular challenges for pupils starting a new school after the disruptions caused by Covid-19. Children settle back into school life quickly and are emotionally ready to learn | Pre-school day transition sessions for new reception starters and parents
Telephone appointments for all parents regarding success of transition
Staff feedback sessions during Autumn 1
Feedback from non-teaching staff weekly meetings
Deadline for transition packs to be returned to school
Parental consultation regarding transition into 2021-2022 | Additional cost of staffing (non-teacher) out of normal contracted hours - £225
Additional cost of EYFS resources - £400
Transition leaflets sent out with school reports to explain to the children what to expect in their new class – cost of printing
Transition plan for new intake children implemented Over the first two weeks, staff plan activities which enable them to assess children’s needs both emotional and learning needs, with a focus on supporting positive mental health and engaging children in learning once again – no cost
All staff to complete ACEs training online – no cost
SLT to completed NAHT webinar, meet with ‘trauma informed schools consultant,’ and the school’s counselling service – no cost
Mental Health resources added to the school shared one drive – no cost
Year 6-7 transition arranged for summer term – potential cost for release of extra non-teaching staff - £150
| P. Turner | July 2020 |
Home learning engagement
By ensuring prompt and relevant remote learning is accessible, any gaps that children experience in their learning due to absence will be minimised and data will evidence that predicted targets end of year targets will be achieved.
| Daily Zoom contact support sessions with isolating pupils and parents
Daily contact with parents via teacher e-mail
SLT to monitor weekly activity on online learning platforms. Success shared on school newsletters
Fortnightly telephone consultation with those with Amber/Red RAG rated home learning engagement
Group e-mails collated for monitoring and information sharing (SLT included in all groups)
Continuation of Stars of the Week for remote learners |
Additional TT Rockstars subscription to include Numbots (EYFS and KS1) - £365
Bespoke White Rose home learning packs for Summer 2021 – £360
| P. Turner | July 2020 |
Total Budgeted Cost:
| £6,240 |