The new national curriculum was introduced in September 2014. Set out below is the curriculum being taught at Green Haworth. If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact us at school.
Our Curriculum Intentions
We aim to offer a stimulating, exciting, enriching curriculum designed to challenge, motivate and inspire children which is bespoke to meeting the needs of the children at Green Haworth Primary School.
We hope that our children will journey through their time with us as kind, courageous and curious citizens supported by God’s love. We want them to have their passion for learning ignited whilst having their self-belief and well-being nurtured. Every child will have the chance to shine and will leave us prepared for the future of possibilities open to those with sound literacy at the foundations of it all.
We redesigned our curriculum as we believe it should be seen in its widest sense – as the entire planned learning experience, including formal learning opportunities as well as events, routines and enrichment activities that take place outside the classroom. Also, permeating our curriculum are the core values of our school ~ Faith in Christ, Respect, Responsibility, Kindness, Honesty and Forgiveness~, together with the British Values of Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Democracy and the Rule of Law.
We believe that our current curriculum is one that is engaging, broad and balanced as well as ambitious for all. It is exciting, relevant and meaningful and responds to the needs of the individuals within our learning community, enabling them to shine academically and flourish socially, emotionally, morally and culturally. Experiences offered will be engaging, challenging, motivational and relevant; ignite curiosity and aspiration and be memorable and inspirational.
Our curriculum at Green Haworth is designed to allow every one of our learners to:
- Develop essential skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning, preparing children to make an active contribution to society
- Explore real world experiences, so that children can see the relevance their learning has in the real world
- Become mentally and emotionally happy and resilient citizens, ready for the challenges of the 21st Century.
- Achieve the best possible academic standards, whatever their ability
Underpinning our ‘curriculum design’ are our key drivers. These shape our curriculum, bring about the aims and values of our school, and respond to the needs of the school community. Our curriculum drivers are:
Our children will be kind. They will show empathy, tolerance and compassion and above all they will have the integrity to make a positive contribution to the world around them. Our children will have healthy minds, showing they are emotionally happy and resilient learners and they will stay true to themselves, valuing their own identity.
Our children will have a thirst for learning, both in school and beyond our gates. They will be courageous and curious learners, well-educated citizens and they will gain the knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary to empower them to contribute positively to society.
Our children will understand their local community and feel proud of where they live. Through our curriculum, we will develop a sense of unity within our church, school and wider community. We will engage in a partnership with our families, aiming higher together and striving for a brighter future for all of our Learners.
#Grow Together
We promote a clear view that learning is an exciting journey, which requires effort and perseverance but pays rich rewards; it’s a life-long companion, broadening horizons and opening up new pathways to varied experiences.
Our children will have ambition and high aspirations for their futures. Each child’s capacity to see possibilities in the world will be developed—their horizons broadened. Children will know that their aspirations will be reached through hard work and determination.
We have designed our curriculum with the following in mind:
- How children learn and remember – we recognise that progress means knowing more and remembering more and so we want our children to know more and remember more as a result of their time with us at Green Haworth Primary School.
- What our children need to succeed in life – we want our learners to have the ‘cultural capital’ they need to make aspirational choices and experience success beyond their time at primary school.
- It is important to us that curriculum is underpinned by up-to-date research, has been designed to take account of the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum. (These have been used as the basis for the content and the expectations of our own curriculum). Our curriculum does also incorporate other experiences and opportunities which best meet the needs of the children in our school.
- Learning, and therefore teaching, needs to be flexible, responsive, adaptable and which maximizes available time, ensuring that learning is relevant, deep and rich.
- Subjects will be developed so as to maintain their rigour and integrity, building understanding and skills progressively and used to integrate with other subjects to secure strong and meaningful learning.
The curriculum will provide coherent experiences to learn, refine and secure the skills to be an independent thinking learners, who can work collaboratively, exercising emotional intelligence, and recognising their individuality, talents, uniqueness and creative potential.
Implementing our Curriculum Intent
Planning for each integrated project is by the whole staff, overseen by the Senior Teacher (as Curriculum Manager) so as to ensure coverage, high expectations and progression of key learning skills. Consultation with the pupils through the School Council enabled the pupils to contribute their voice to the process.
The Green Haworth Curriculum is built around 8 core features:
- We have adopted a thematic approach to our curriculum and throughout the academic year, each class group learns around these six key themes.
The particular ‘theme’ chosen is always relevant to the children and is designed to be exciting and engaging for that particular cohort. AS we have mixed age classes the curriculums are cycled by 2/3 years according to the year group compositions and these will be revised whenever necessary. Whilst these subjects are the main drivers, the themes are cross-curricular and other subjects are taught as part of the termly theme. We structure our core year-group learning through an approach that encourages children to become investigative, curious and analytical by making connections and links across subjects whilst being deep rooted to our vision. To prevent the creation of tenuous links however, discrete subjects are taught where necessary. RE is taught following the diocesan scheme of learning. Maths follows the White Rose Maths Hub planning sequence supported by Mathshed resources. Music is taught by specialist teachers but is integrated where it enhances learning experiences. The same is true of computing.
- To engage, immerse and ‘hook’ the children in their learning experiences, every classroom learning environment reflects the theme that the children are learning about. For example, if the theme is Rainforests, the classroom displays should reflect that, to try and bring learning to life. This learning environment is not only used as a tool for engagement, but also to support and deepen the learning experiences taking place in the classroom. When themes are carried across school this will then be visible and progression within those shared learning experiences highly evident. High quality literacy texts are planned to be most appropriate for the topic.
- Through the theme, all children engage in a memorable experience to enhance their learning, and further develop their knowledge and understanding. This could be for example, a visit to a place, a visitor into school or a practical activity or experience led by school staff. As our curriculum develops, we will also be looking at how ‘launch’ activities can add to children’s excitement and engagement in learning. This must be supported with home learning that is planned at strategic level to ensure quality, challenge and progression. This is done with a focus on pre-teaching key topical vocabulary and key knowledge to build knowledge and support parents to work effectively at home.
- We want PSHE and Christian Values to lie at the heart of the curriculum that we deliver, to closely meet the needs of our children, almost as an invisible thread. When each theme is planned, chosen core PSHE concepts and our values weave through the themes to enhance the learning and add a different dimension to children’s thinking. For example, in Y6 the children learn about World War Two, and through this theme develop their understanding of the concepts of empathy, prejudice, redemption and oppression to name a few. PSHE is also taught explicitly, and we are currently revising a more bespoke PSHE framework, that again meets the needs of our specific school, in consultation with the whole school community.
- Quality texts are integral to our curriculum approach, as we recognise that fluency in reading enables children to have access to the full curriculum entitlement. We believe it is our role to ensure children leave us being able to articulate themselves clearly, and read and write confidently and effectively. Our children need a high level of explicitly taught vocabulary as well as exposure to a variety of texts. A quality text is chosen each half term to drive learning in English and as the basis for the teaching of the writing sequence through the literacy phases (LCC). We ensure as far as possible that the texts chosen as the driver for English link to the termly theme. Over a term, children will experience narrative and non-fiction texts, enriched by poetry where it fits most appropriately.
- We endeavour to ensure that children see a relevance and a purpose to their learning, so plan for learning to build towards a purposeful outcome at the end of the term. This is an opportunity for children to showcase their learning to a wider audience, for example through an exhibition to the school community, or through the publication of a class text or similar.
- Strong, active learning behaviours are essential in order for children to be equipped to be successful in life. Children will be encouraged to regularly reflect on how these learning behaviours enable them to be successful learners and are required to take part in regular dialogue with teachers in school that demonstrates their active participation in the learning process. A key part of this is through the use of Target Tracker to allow for rigorous and systematic coverage of the small steps leading to an end of Key Stage expectation. Opportunities for mastery learning can be identified through this process. These should be shared with age related expectation/understanding to enable the children to discuss their own learning confidently.
- Central to all of the above, and to our curriculum design, is an expectation of well thought out quality first teaching and learning, delivered by all. Teaching staff use our curriculum progression documents (Target Tracker supported) and plan thoroughly to ensure that learning is sequenced so that children build knowledge and skills over time – both building skills and knowledge within the year group curriculum, but also building on, and making connections with, prior knowledge from other years in school. Staff identify the ‘sticky knowledge’ that they want the children to learn during the course of the theme and then ensure there are plenty of opportunities for the children to practice and apply this knowledge in a range of different contexts, so that they achieve deep, long term learning.
Curriculum Impact
As a result of our well planned and implemented curriculum, we would expect the impact to be that:
- Our children show kindness, compassion, empathy, honesty and courage
- Our children demonstrate a passion and thirst for learning
- Our children thrive with a grasps of literacy and numeracy skills that will support them in all areas of life in the 21st century.
- They achieve well – all making good progress from their own starting points and achieving at least the expected standard across the entire curriculum by the end of Key Stage 2.
- Our children have access to a wide and varied curriculum, enabling each of them to excel as individuals and be the best they can be as areas of learning fit with individuals
- Our children have high aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised with hard work and determination
- Our children are mentally and emotionally happy and resilient learners
- Our families work in partnership with us to ensure their child’s journey is a positive one and prepares them to contribute positively to the world in which they live
Curriculum Overview 2023-2024
Our Curriculum follows a rolling program that is regularly reviewed. Our curriculum is rooted in the objectives set out within the National Curriculum. For more information please contact school. Please click below for the full document:
Green Haworth Primary School use the Phonics Shed phonics system as as basis to teaching Phonics.
Phonics Shed is a DfE validated systematic synthetic phonics programme with coverage from sound awareness in pre-school, into a full phonics scheme of learning that leads into Spelling Shed’s complementary spelling system and is also compatible with 2007 Letters and Sounds.
The scheme provides a systematic way to teach reading through synthetic phonics. Children are taught to decode by breaking down words into sounds as a way to “synthesize” the whole word from letters and sounds.
The following link provides information on each of the phases.