The education we offer is to enable young people to have not only the knowledge but also the attitudes, values and characteristics that will enable them to flourish in an ever-changing and demanding world. The education we offer goes beyond the purely academic. It must enable our young people to discover their unique place in the world, their God-given purpose; to realise their potential in the knowledge that the world is a poorer place without them.
Through God's love, we care, share and grow together
Green Haworth aims, through faith in Christ, to provide a safe, nurturing environment in which all pupils achieve their full potential and have the skills and confidence to meet the challenges of the future.
Our Christian Values
Faith in Christ Respect Honesty Forgiveness Kindness Responsibility
Bible Truth: Love your neighbor.
Jesus tells this story of the Good Samaritan to teach us what it means to love our neighbor.
One day a man was walking along the road and was suddenly robbed, beaten and left hurting. One man passed by and ignored him, and then another. Later, a Samaritan man came upon him and stopped to help. The Bible says the Samaritan man had compassion on him.
After telling this story, Jesus asked, “Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”
The answer, of course, is the Good Samaritan. Jesus told this story as an example of what it means to be kind to others, even those we don’t know who need our help. The Samaritan had compassion for the hurting man and maybe it was because he recognized it could have been him who had been robbed. Perhaps he was so thankful to be safe he just had to help. Whatever his motivation, the Samaritan man chose God’s way of kindness along the road that day.
When we recognize our blessings and our power to help others, we can reach out in kindness to be a good neighbor.
Schools are required to provide for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils including the active promotion of fundamental British Values.
The government defines these as:
Our work in promoting British values is designed, alongside our Christian ethos, to prepare children for modern life in Britain.
Many opportunities occur within the curriculum: For example, we learn about many different cultures and religions in R.E., History and Geography and during our bi-annual Multi-cultural week events.
Our children have the opportunity have their opinions heard by completing questionnaires and voting in school council elections, thus learning about democracy.
Our work with UK Military School and in P.S.H.E. helps us understand personal freedom and the mutual respect of others.
Promoting British values will reinforce, not change, our Church of England ethos.