We are a small daughter church meeting for worship at Green Haworth Church of England Primary School, as we have done for the last 186 years. Please see www.acny.org.uk/11419 for details of services.
The church took the name St. Clement's after the LEA asked the managers to decide on a Saint's name for the school. It was never formally adopted by the school, but the name has stayed for the small fellowship that meets here. The name seems to have been chosen because the weather on the hilltop at Green Haworth can often be "inclement".
You can find out more about St Clement here.
Sadly, after six years of service to Green Haworth and St. Clement’s Church, we are saying goodbye to Rev. Ian Enticott. He is moving to a new parish in Cheshire. During this time, Rev. Ian has joined children for weekly worship, frequent school services and supported the school at numerous events. I am sure parents and children would like to join staff and Governors in wishing him all of God's love and blessings as he takes the next step in his discipleship.
If you would like to hear his goodbye, please follow this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/er1hauz4q153yea/Goodbye%20from%20Revd%20Ian.mp4?dl=0
SundayWeekly worship sheets are available on the web page: www.acny.org.uk/11419 Sunday Worship NEW TIME Joyful worship for all the family Every second Sunday at 3:00 PM for 1 hour Holy Communion NEW TIME Common Worship with Hymns and Sermon; suitable for all the family Every fourth Sunday at 3:00 PM for 1 hour Evensong & Sermon Traditional Book of Common Prayer Evensong Every first Sunday at 6:30 PM for 1 hour
Further information: www.acny.org.uk/11419 Contact: |