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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!


In Class 3 we always try our best, work hard, learn lots of new and exciting things and have lots of fun!


During the year we will be covering lots of exciting new topics and learning new ideas and skills. It is important to be kind and helpful and work independently and work as part of a team.


Spellings and weekly homework linked to learning will be given out each Friday.


Children will be listened to read each week, as part of Guided Reading sessions, and their independent reading book will be read and changed if needed. Reading books can be changed as and when needed. Children will also have access to library books. 


Spring 1 - January 2025


Welcome back to school! I hope you have had a lovely and special Christmas and have made lots of memories. 


Our topic for this half term is - Marvellous Mountains and Wonderful Water!


This topic will be Geography led and the children will be learning about the worlds oceans, as well as the mountains that can be found all over the world. In Science we will be learning about Earth and Space. Our English learning will focus on persuasive writing and magazine articles. In RE we will be learning about Jesus - The Son of God and why he was special.  During Maths lessons we will be learning about ratio, decimals and percentages. 


PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays - please ensure a PE kit is in school.

Music lessons will also begin again this half term.


If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of the Class 3 Team.


Thank you for your support,


Mrs. Kaminski, Mrs. Makin and Miss. Tattersall 

Spring 1 Homework Grid and Subject Knowledge Organiser

Wednesday 8th January 2025 - Snow Day Activities


Good Morning Class 3!


Please see below some activities I would like you to complete as part of your learning today.

You can complete them using a computer or using paper and bring them into me tomorrow.


English - We have started learning about magazine articles. Use the Newsround Website to help you create your own article based on what is happening in the news today.


SPAG and Spellings activity


Maths - Please select your group and complete some more practice on simplifying fractions.

Also, use Hit The Button and Happy Burger to work on your times table knowledge


RE - Please complete the activity.  

Please see below for SATs revision help: - please use this website to access past papers.

Green Haworth Ambassadors 2023

Hugo Cabret Drama!

Self-isolation Daily Timetable Links

Use the relevant links below for each of the sessions on our timetable. Remember you will need sound on.

Remember to pause the videos to give yourselves enough time to complete the activities set and then start them playing again when you are ready.

Year 5 & 6 Key Words List

All children should be able to spell the words listed below by the time they leave primary school. This, is in addition to their knowlede of phonics, and the Year 3 and 4 word list help set solid foundations for accurate spelling in the future.


You can practise these at home as well as in school. They are coloured in groups of 10 so that you can set yourself mini-tests!


accommodate   accompany   according    achieve    aggressive   amateur    ancient    apparent

appreciate   attached   available   average   awkward   bargain   bruise   category   cemetery

committee   communicate  community  competition   conscience*  conscious*    controversy

convenience  correspond   criticise  curiosity   definite  desperate  determined  develop  dictionary

disastrous  embarrass   environment  equip (–ped, –ment)  especially  exaggerate  excellent

existence  explanation  familiar  foreign  forty  frequently  government  guarantee  harass  hindrance

identity  immediate(ly)  individual  interfere  interrupt  language  leisure  lightning  marvellous

mischievous  muscle  necessary  neighbour  nuisance  occupy  occur  opportunity  parliament

persuade  physical  prejudice  privilege  profession  programme  pronunciation  queue  recognise

recommend  relevant  restaurant  rhyme  rhythm  sacrifice  secretary   shoulder   signature

sincere(ly)  soldier  stomach  sufficient  suggest  symbol  system  temperature  thorough  twelfth

variety  vegetable  vehicle yacht
