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Class One

Welcome to Class One. 

We are so pleased you’ve chosen to start your school life with us.
In Class One, we learn through play and then transition into more formal learning, as we see your child's skills grow from Reception through to Year Two.

We love to see your home learning. Please bring your creations and achievements in to share with us. 
Below are a few websites and ideas of activities to try at home. We hope you enjoy them! 


Please use the knowledge organiser to learn a little about our current topics.  Following on from the organiser, you will see the homework sheet.  This provides a number of challenges which can be completed when your child is at home. 


We really do love to see your child learning and creating beautiful pictures and projects at home, so please bring them in to share with class, or alternatively email them to myself at  


If you have any questions, however large or small, please don’t hesitate to speak to us. We will be delighted to help you as much as we can.  Alternatively, if you prefer to email Mrs Clark directly, please email at and I will be very happy to help.

Thank you, 
Mrs Clark, Mrs Pilling and Miss Tattersall.

Wednesday 8th January - closure due to adverse weather.


I'm sorry to not be seeing you all today, I hope you are all okay.


Here are some activities to complete over the day.



Yesterday we received a letter from a yeti.  What do you think the yeti will look like?  Can you draw a picture of him / her? 

Reception: Can you write a sentence to describe them?  Remember to sound out each word and try to include finger spaces.

Blue table: Can you label each part of the yeti and write a sentence about them?  Where do you think they will live?

Red table:  Can you predict what will happen next?  Why does the yeti want us to help him / her?  Will they make new friends?  Who with?



In maths, we have been looking at patterns and shape. 

Reception: Using two colours, can you create your own repeating  pattern?  Can you include shapes in your pattern?

Blue table: Using shapes and at least three colours, can you create a repeating pattern?

Red table: we have been exploring 2d shapes and the number of vertices each shape has.  Can you choose four shapes and write facts about them?  think about the number of sides, are they straight or curved, how many vertices do they have?



In history this half term, we are going to be learning more about special celebrations and days around the world.

Which days are special to you?   It could be your birthday or a day when you meet up with your family / friends.

Can you make a poster about your special day?

Reception: can you write a sentence about your day?  

Blue table: can you write two sentences about your day, explaining why it is important to you?

Red table: can you tell me how you celebrate the day, including adjectives?  What is your favourite part of the day, can you use the conjunction because?






Spring One - Explore – bravery and challenges.

We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and wishing you all a very happy 2025.


This half term, our Literacy explore friendships and those which are more unlikely.  We will look at positive friendships and rules we have with our friends.  We will go on to explore characters and how they demonstrate bravery when they have to face their fears.


Numeracy continues with shape, before learning more about money and how we can use money to create different values.


In RE, we will be focussing on what made Jesus special through exploring stories from the Bible.


In our Topic lessons, we will be learning  more about festivals and events that are celebrated around the world, including India day and America's Independence day. 


As always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to speak to myself, or email me at        


Thank you,

Mrs Clark.

Spring One Knowledge Organiser and Homework

Our learning.


Below is a selection of the learning we have enjoyed in Class One.

Trashion Show 2024 (as part of Eco week)

We were so inspired by St. Christopher's C of E High School's visit, we decided to collect rubbish which would otherwise end up in landfill. 


We took part in a wonderful Trashion Show and showcased all of our wonderful designs. We hope you like them! 

Trashion Show

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Amazing animals and their habitats. 


As part of our learning in Science and Understanding the World, the children have been learning all about categorising animals. 


They've explored grouping by diet, animal category, and by habitat. 


Alongside this, our literacy has also allowed our children to learn more about African animals and animals found in various climates. 


To celebrate this learning, we enjoyed a visit to Blackpool Zoo. We observed a wealth of animals and were fascinated to see their behaviours up close. 





Learning a new language with Makaton.

We are very proud to have been learning a new language in Class One, Makaton.


Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to communicate. 


Makaton helps understanding and makes expressive communication easier. It's also great fun to learn! 


Here are a few examples of our learning. We hope you enjoy them. 

Scarab beetles and Ancient Egypt


This half term, Class One began our literacy by reading a story about two friends who travelled to distant lands. 

The children were particularly enthralled by the adventure the friends had, whilst travelling on the River Nile. This led us to learn much more about Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians.

Over the last two days the children have learnt how to make scarab beetles*, by following photographic images.


*Scarab beetles were particularly important to the Egyptians and symbolised resurrection and life

They then wrote their own instructions and enjoyed using imperative (or 'bossy') verbs within their writing!


The children's understanding and interest of ancient Egypt has been outstanding. We're incredibly proud of the way in which they've linked their learning and knowledge.

Here are some examples of their beetles, as they were being made, and their writing.


Fabulous work Class One! 👏

Scarab beetles

Class One sharing some of our learning in Makaton

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Still image for this video

Eco Month 2024

We were delighted to be joined by St. Christopher's C of E High School, to open our Eco Month. 


Our day began with an inspiring assembly, where we learnt about 'Trashion' , clothes made from items which can't be recycled. 


We then spent time with the students, sorting recycling before experiencing how wind turbines and solar panels work. 


A fascinating morning! 

World Book Day 2024

"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside." - Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne 🍯  🐻 

Class One had a day filled with friendships and characters, as part of our #worldbookday2024 celebrations. 

We listened to stories of Elmer the elephant, who showed how its always the best to be yourself, than to try and be like everyone else. We recognised that there's no better version of you, than to be yourself🐘♥️

🎨We then created our own Elmers, featuring all of the things, that are amazing about us. 

🌟We extended our #makaton skills further, learning how to say 'I like', 'I want', 'please', 'thank you' and  a number of other words. 

📚 This afternoon we used characters we've met before, to innovate new story ideas 💡 

What a wonderful day. 

The children were imaginative, enthusiastic and beautifully behaved all day. 

Well done superstars 🌟🌟🌟

No pen day March 2024

The children enjoyed a different kind of day today, as we welcomed a no pen day. 

This was an opportunity to use speech and language even more, and to try new activities, alongside our usual learning. 


🎨🖼The morning began with the class creating their own Andy Goldsworthy inspired art. They then shared their ideas and inspiration for their work, using their fabulous growing vocabularies. 


✋️The children then enjoyed learning many new phrases and words in Makaton. 


⛪️🏡This afternoon, within RE, the children created their own Easter Gardens, inspired by the resurrection of Jesus. 


We hope you enjoy our art and signing! 

No pen day


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Fire safety visit


We were visited by the Accrington Fire Fighters today. They taught us a range of life saving techniques including Stop, Drop and Roll, how to safely leave a burning building and the importance of smoke alarms. 


Class One learnt a great deal and also thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to role play their learning. 


Special thanks to the Accrington Fire Fighters. 

Accrington Fire Fighters Visit

RE - Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. 

Class One have started Autumn Two by exploring the Birth of Jesus. We have been focusing our first lesson on The Shepherds. 


Reception have learnt more about the Stable and the guests who visited. 

Year One have written questions, that they would ask the Shepherds.

Year Two have explored how the Shepherds might of felt when Angel Gabriel arrived,  when they met Jesus and finally considered, how would I have felt? 

RE The Shepherds - November 2023

Handa's Surprise - June 2023

As part of our learning this half term, we have enjoyed exploring Kenya, unusual fruits and African animals. 


In Literacy, we have started the half term reading Handa's Suprise, by Eileen Browne.


We were very inspired by the book, so  used our new knowledge from Geography, alongside the text, to write our own books. 


We hope you like our display. We are very proud of our books. 


We are now enjoying non fiction, learning all about minibeasts. 


Our Surprises 📖

Prospects Eco Day


Class One were delighted to enter the Display Board competition, run by Hyndburn Prospects. 


We worked hard on creating a 3d, bright, creative display board, celebrating our School Environment. 


I'm sure you'll agree, the children have done a wonderful job in creating this fabulous display. 


Well done Class One,  we are very proud of you all! 👏 ♻️ 🌎 

Eco Board

Outdoor learning day - May 2023

What a wonderful day! 


Our morning started with a Celebration Assembly outside, where parents and carers were invited to share our merit awards. 


Following our learning in Science this half term, about animal habitats, we created our own wormery.   This gave us a chance to observe worms and to learn more about these important mini beasts. 


The children were then were treated to a surprise, with a special visit from Titch, the Norfolk lamb. Extra special thanks to Titch's owners. 


The children then enjoyed a picnic style lunch outside, followed by freshly cooked marshmallows - thank you to our chef, Mr. Turner! 


After lunch, we then visited a local farm to pond dip, observing many minibeasts, including tadpoles, water boatmen and water snails! 


What a fabulous day! 


Please can we thank all of our parents and carers who kindly supported the day, with donations of tyres, pallets, equipment, wellies, and more! We are very grateful. 


Our Celebration Assembly

Worms, worms, glorious worms!

Picnics and campfires!

Pond dipping.

King Charles III Coronation 


We have celebrated the Coronation in school with many interesting and memorable activities today (Friday 5th May).

We learnt all about Coronations, researched the special Coronation chair, watched the Queen's Coronation, made our own Crowns, planted a wonderful celebratory flower display and made our own Royally themed cakes! 


Sharing our wonderfully creative crowns 👑

Planting a beautiful display, for our new Monarch's Coronation.

Our past learning - Shiver mi timbers! Welcome to Spring One!

We worked incredibly hard and Jim Lad sent us some precious beach treasure!

Our Pirates Next Door!

Children in Need 2022


Fossil hunters - we researched fossils and made our own bones, claws and teeth. We made these as part of our end of term SCARF celebration.

Use the relevant links below for each of the sessions on our timetable. Remember you will need sound on.

Remember to pause the videos to give yourselves enough time to complete the activities set and then start them playing again when you are ready.

Reading is a very important skill, and one which helps your child during their time at school, and throughout their whole life.  Please encourage your child to read their home reading book as often as possible.  Please let them sound out words and support them to blend the sounds together rather than reading the books to your child.


Children learn a great deal from being read to too.  Please read others stories to them as well, and encourage them to say what might happen next, what they like and to describe any characters too.   Libraries have many beautiful picture books which I am sure your child (and you!) will enjoy.


Thank you,

Mrs Clark.




Home Learning during lockdown 

Please regularly check your emails for any updates and for timetable ideas. 

Alongside the online learning, please try to complete tasks from the homework grid, as these inlcude key learning from this half term.


We very much recognise that all children learn differently and learning through play is a vital part of children’s development. 

Please try to make all of the learning fun and try not to worry if you have days when learning doesn’t go to plan. It happens to us all!

We couldn’t be more proud of our children and yourselves.

Thank you for everything you are doing throughout these difficult times and for your ongoing support as your child’s primary educator. 


Here is a suggested timetable, please note this is only a guide.

MondayNumeracyBreak timePhonicsLiteracyLunch and free timePEMusic
TuesdayNumeracyBreak timePhonicsLiteracyLunch and free timeScienceReading
WednesdayNumeracyBreak timePhonicsLiteracyLunch and free timeArtPSHE
ThursdayNumeracyBreak timePhonicsLiteracyLunch and free timeGeographyReading
FridayNumeracyBreak timePhonicsLiteracyLunch and free timeREPurple Mash  - computing
*Please use this timetable as a guide only.    



A different way of learning.

We very much recognise that children learn differently at home, so it may be that some lessons are more challenging or children would enjoy extending their learning further / exploring other topics for a few lessons. 


Please look at the lessons and use the reception / year one titles as a guide rather than feeling like you must follow the year group your child is in.



Here are the links for Spelling Shed and Purple Mash:

Phonics Play are also offering free access to their games and activities. Log in details are available on their site 


Please note that we use the cursive 'k' in our handwriting policy which is not always available in the Power points so I have attached a handwriting formation poster under the weekly phonics as a guide. I hope this helps.

You are amazing! Let’s celebrate your work. 

We love to see your amazing work and creations.

Please take a photo of your art work, baking or anything you are especially proud of, and ask your parent or carer to email them to 


Please let us know if you are happy for them to be shared on this page and we’ll share them with everyone 👏 

Please scroll through to see everyone’s learning  

Well done superstars!

Useful websites and activities for when you are at home. 

Learning through play ideas 
There are lots of home based learning through play ideas from Alistair Bryce-Clegg at ABC Does.

PE activities. 


 Music plays an important part of our children’s education at Green Haworth where EVERY child learns a musical instrument. All children have free access to musical online learning:

Log-in to Charanga Yumi and experience a whole range of musical activities and lessons. Learn to play an instrument, sing, make different rhythms and explore tempo.

Contact your child’s teacher if you do not have your log-in details.

Lancashire School Sports Partnership Stay at Home PE

Science and engineering

STEM have released lots of exciting activities to do at home. Their site includes videos, experiments and activities. 

We know lots of Key Workers are working extra hard at the moment. Here are some ideas for celebrating our NHS heroes. 

Please don’t forget to send a picture of your work in to school via 


We’d love to see your work! 

The Book of Hopes 


If you’re looking for a short story, poem or fancy looking at some beautiful pictures have a look at The Book of Hoped. It’s completely free for all children and families, the extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon, Jacqueline Wilson – and Katherine herself.

The collection, published by Bloomsbury, is dedicated to the doctors, nurses, carers, porters, cleaners and everyone currently working in hospitals.


Read the book here for free from Monday 27th April 

Mrs Clark’s simple cupcake recipe 

I’ve made these lots of times and every time they’ve turned out to be very delicious 😊


You will need an adult to help you to weigh your ingredients and with the oven.

Remember, never go near an oven when it is on. They can be very dangerous

125g self raising flour

125g butter or margarine 

125g caster sugar 

2 medium sized eggs 

12 bun cases


For decoration 

icing sugar

sprinkles for decoration. 

1. Ask an adult to preheat the oven to 180 degrees C or gas mark 4. 
2.  Carefully put one bun case into each bun tray hole. 
3. Mix all of the ingredients into a bowl, all at once. Make sure everything is smooth and it should look nice and creamy. 
4. Carefully spoon the mix into the cases and make sure each one gets about the same amount. 
5. Ask your adult for help and remember to stay away from the oven...Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. 
6. Put the icing sugar into a bowl and add a little water, you won’t need much! You can add food colouring if you want to. 
7.  When the cakes are cooked they will look nice and lightly browned. 
8.  When they are cool, use a spoon or butter knife to spread the icing and add sprinkles if you like. 
9.  The best bit...enjoy eating them and share them with your family. 
Here’s a photo of ours, I’m sure yours will look just as tasty 😊

Garden bird spotting 
We are very lucky to have lots of beautiful birds that we can see outside around our homes.


Why not see which birds you can spot and identify them using this RSPB website.

Whilst we’re all at home more at the moment, many museums and zoos are offering free virtual tours. It’s like they are letting you secretly visit! Shhh!

Here is a link to a list of a few to visit

Author David Walliams has kindly started uploading his audio books each day. Click on the link to listen to them

Feeling sporty 

PE home learning games and activities can be found at

Play dough fun

Making play dough can be enjoyable and can also develop children's arm and finger strength.  You can find recipes online at

Disco dough is a fun way to use playdough, videos can be found at

Draw with Rob

Children's author Rob Biddulph, is releasing videos for children, to show how to draw his favourite book characters

Here’s my drawing of Kevin, one of Rob Biddulph’s characters. Hope you like him!
From Mrs Clark 😊

Maths games have a range of maths games online for all ages.

Literacy and phonic ideas

Literacy and phonics games can be found at 

Borrow library books online

If your child has a library card they can borrow books online through 

Sing with maths!

Mr Mc is a favourite of ours in class.  He has created lots of videos, songs and fun things to watch and do at home for literacy and maths.. 

Science fun

Science demonstrations and activities to do at home can be found on the following sites 


Tim Peake has lots of exciting videos online, some can be found here or search for Tim Peake online


Mindfulness and yoga

Mindfulness and Yoga are great ways to relax.  Here are a list of online simple activities for children.

e books and online reading 

For free e books and online reading resources 

