Remote education provision: information for parents
Class Zoom Time
1 10.30am-11.00am
2 11.00am – 11.30am
3 11.30am – 12.00pm
The timetable provides enough work for 4 hours of home learning a day. Do your best with this! We are in unusual circumstances again and are once again learning to work in different ways. The idea of home learning during this lockdown, is that it is as close to what they would be learning in school, as possible. But we don’t expect the impossible. Be kind to yourselves and them – everything you achieve together is fantastic. Share a story, share daily exercise, recite your times tables, practise spellings…do what is manageable.
Key Stage 1 |
3 hours per day |
Key Stage 2 |
4 hours per day |
What is Purple Mash?
Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by Primary aged children in the classroom and at home.
Find out more here:
What should you do first?
To begin with, it’s a good idea to log in to Purple Mash with your child.
We suggest the following:
How can you get more involved?
As a parent, you can find out about your child’s learning on Purple Mash and support them beyond the classroom by registering with Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows you to easily see the learning your child has been doing on Purple Mash, including any comments on work from teachers, homework (2Dos), rewards and so much more. You will never miss out on being informed of your child’s learning as Parent Portal sends all registered users a weekly digest email. You can start using Parent Portal today by following the 3 simple steps below.
Step 1:Enter URL on your child’s login card.
Step 2:Click ‘Register parent’.
Step 3:Enter the ‘Parent Code’ on your child’s login card and follow additional instructions.
TTRockstars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. It must be accessed daily by children to gain the most benefit.
Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.
Numbots is Addition & Subtraction. Solved! This highly engaging platform for learning helps children to add and subtract using images that they are familiar with from their learning in school.
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. Younger players in Reception will be able to access the early stages from a mathematical point of view but will find it increasingly harder to reach the level of fluency required to make progress. Try not to worry about this in the earlier stages.
Go to for NumBots and for TT Rock Stars and enter the log in details as on their log in card.
What’s the best way to learn spelling and math?
With fun and games, of course!
Spelling Shed
‣ Harder levels and bonuses give more points
‣ More points gives a higher league position in class league
‣ More points also means higher class position in school and WORLD league.
‣ Honeypots awarded with points to buy avatar upgrades
‣ Subscribers (via website) have access to fully resourced spelling program
‣ Built-in word lists covering the entire national curriculum
‣ Search 500k word lists
‣ Create custom word lists for any purpose
Developed by a team of teachers including primary maths specialists, Math Shed gives a fun and easy-to-use way to practise maths skills.
The app includes:
The app also provides three levels of gameplay with Easy and Medium having more scaffolding to support learners where needed. These games support the curriculum taught in school.
Your child’s log in information has a QR Code that you can use to take you straight to the app.
For all three providers, in the first instance, always contact school regarding any issues with logging in.
The websites and apps do not deal with each school’s user accounts.
Have fun playing alongside and supporting your children as they continue to learn and develop.
If there are any barriers to learning at home, please tell your class teacher and we will do what we can to help. This includes;
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Class teachers are available for live e-mail feedback on a daily basis:
Class 3: Mrs. O’Donohoe:
Class 2: Mrs. Gleadhill:
Class 1: Mrs. Clark:
or Mrs. Frost:
Non-engagement by any of the above methods will result in receiving a letter from Mr. Turner